I love the apartment buildings of forest hills, they're so humble but yet still beautiful without the arrogance projected out by these new fandangled glass tower condominiums.

I know this is the old bell telephone company grate, but I've never seen this pattern before. I wish I could carry around a tire Iron so i could just explore every manhole I see in the park. You know without beeing looked at like some guy whos about to kill somebody. Maybe theres an easier and smaller tool I can use to open these babies up. I remember trying to open a cap about a few years ago in flushing meadows and the undercover cops didnt seem to apreciate it one bit. Ever since 9/11 theres no such thing as innocent exploration of this city. One of the reasons I wish I was younger is that I could explore areas of the city where I dont belong without being looked at like some criminal or terrorist as opposed to just some scrawny kid with too much curiosity. The consequences for the former are handcuffs and an interrogation , while the latter they'll just tell me to scram.

This is the park I spend most of my time exploring.

When the waters of the meadow lake overflow into the asphalt paths and end stagnate all the oil particles clump up together in these really cool and nasty grease patterns.

This I think is part of the flushing river that still flows through its original path. This river has been altered beyond its original path many times over. And from what I hear they plan to get rid of the Fountain of planets in the park and "moonlight" the river. Which means redivert the river into its original course after they diverted it underneath the fountain of planets.
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